Make your own video or use one of the thousands available in the library.

For one teacher to create a video library it would be an impossible job due to the training you did for your teaching qualification.

However if you work in a primary school there is always the likelihood that you will be moved out of your area of expertise for professional development reasons. The expectation is that you will be able to teach straight away to ensure your student’s progress will be good or outstanding. Even in secondary you could be teaching outstandingly in one year group but less so in another.

YouTeachMe supports any teacher anywhere to access high quality outstanding teaching videos; the video library gives access to teaching, knowledge and expertise that is otherwise hard to access. 

Workload reduction is also possible by utilising the video library. 

The video library is completely cross sector of all educational areas. Secondary school teachers can watch and learn from primary school teachers and untie their work and use it to support any children struggling to keep up. Mainstream teachers can watch and learn from special schoolteachers, special school teachers can take the teaching of mainstream school teachers and use it to push on the in the academic areas where their children with additional needs are able to achieve.

Deaf children in a mainstream school with little support can be supported by access to their teacher accessing the deaf teaching content that is accessible to hearing people.

The YouTeachMe video library is far more than a video library it’s a professional development tool, and it’s a way of bringing the education system together so that the challenges that are not surmountable on their own are able to be surmounted. 

We’ve added in the ability for teachers to request content to be made. If teachers search for something they can’t find it, they can request for us to make that content with professionals in the area. 

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