
The world’s first school improvement technology.

Welcome to the company that puts how you work and the inclusion of all learners at the heart of everything.

Our Features

Click on the items below to learn more about each feature.

“When I took on the headship here it was obvious that we needed YouTeachMe. It’s been great to see the very significant impact it’s had so far and I’m excited to see even greater impact in the coming year.”

Kerrie Fox, headteacher at Queen’s Med Hospital School

“I firmly believe that YouTeachMe, as a platform, has got the capability and the possibility of revolutionising a lot of learning across all environments, both mainstream and specialist.”

Abi Steady, Deputy Head of Ashmount Special School

“For us it has helped parents see how their children are taught because they may not have the level of communication skills even if they are good at sign language would they know how to sign photosynthesis?”

Helen Shepherd, Headteacher of Derby Royal School for the Deaf

Who can use YTM?

Multi Academy Trusts

SEND schools

Deaf schools

Mainstream schools

Alternative Providers

Hospital Schools

Virtual Schools

ITT/ITE providers

Peripatetic Support Services


Benefits of our service


A smarter CPD way

Watch and learn from videos made and used by education professionals in your own school or other schools, spreading great practice between phases and sectors. Every member of staff is supported differently.

Inclusion at our heart

Inclusion is at the heart of what we do; we work closely with the deaf community, with national SEND teaching schools, hospital schools and peripatetic support services.

Every child deserves to be included every day.

Watch engagement increase

Engaging parents in your school multiple ways from showing them what happens in a school day to how to complete videos for homework tasks.

YouTeachMe is proven to improve parental engagement.

Want to hear more? Book a demo

Would you like to try out our videos for a period of time. Please complete the form below and receive a free trial.

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