Safeguarding is at the very centre of everything we do.
The platform was created by a former head teacher who understands the importance of safeguarding and the fact that keeping children safe is more important than helping children learn.
YouTeachMe is based, and built on, that belief.
Everything within the service is set to protect users.
Teaching staff can upload and share content which is automatically shared with their colleagues. Videos are visible to a community of professionals who can challenge and report if it’s not appropriate video content.
Video content isn’t accessible by any child unless a professional within their setting decides to share it with them. Sharing of content is traced as every interaction that happens between adults and children (and between children if enabled by staff) within the service is recorded.
We stand by a bold statement; YouTeachMe used to support teaching and learning is actually safer than classroom teaching!
Every document that’s sent, every video that’s sent, everything that’s uploaded, every chat is all recorded including voice messages between teachers, staff and children, all text and written messages on work that has been uploaded is recorded. Everything is available for scrutiny at any point in real time, and also saved for subsequent analysis, if needed.